Sleep lab, Ranjit Hospital Jallandhar, Punjab

When was the Sleep Lab started?2019-01-18T05:46:49+00:00

Our Sleep Lab started in 1997

How many beds does the Sleep lab have for Level 1 Sleep studies?2019-01-18T05:46:04+00:00

Currently we have 2 beds for level 1 sleep study

What type of Diagnostic studies are done in the Sleep centre?2019-01-18T05:45:19+00:00

At present we are doing Level 1 & Level 3 sleep studies

What type of PAP titration facilities are available at your Sleep centre?2019-02-02T06:23:33+00:00

Auto PAP Titration

What are the educational/training opportunities available for Doctors and technicians at your Sleep centre?2019-01-18T05:42:38+00:00

At present there is no training facility at our centre

How many sleep techs are employed at the Sleep centre? What are their day time and night time duties?2019-01-18T05:41:41+00:00

We have two sleep techs. One sleep tech do sleep studies at night and other do day time jobs on rotation.

How many Level 1, level 3 studies, PAP titration studies, MSLT and MWT are done in one year?2019-01-18T05:40:30+00:00

At present we are doing 240 Level 1, level 3 studies in one year

What are the contact details of the Sleep centre- address, phone no., email id, website?2019-01-18T05:39:16+00:00

58, Kapurthala Road,
Patel Chowk,
Jalandhar – 144001
