Sleep lab in Department of Physiology KGMC Lucknow, UP

When was the Sleep Lab started?2019-01-08T07:11:28+00:00

Sleep Lab in Department of Physiology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow was established in 2014-15

How many beds does the Sleep lab have for Level 1 Sleep studies?2019-01-08T07:10:33+00:00

Sleep Lab has 1 bed for level 1 sleep studies.

What type of Diagnostic studies are done in the Sleep centre?2019-01-08T07:09:45+00:00

We do baseline PSG for research purpose.

What type of PAP titration facilities are available at your Sleep centre?2019-01-08T07:08:58+00:00

PAP titration facilities are not available in our sleep lab.

What are the educational/training opportunities available for Doctors and technicians at your Sleep centre?2019-01-08T07:08:07+00:00

Research opportunities are available in the field of sleep physiology and sleep medicine for PG students and PhD/ MD-PhD scholars.

How many sleep techs are employed at the Sleep centre? what are their day time and night time duties?2019-01-08T07:07:06+00:00

We have 1 full time sleep tech in our lab.

How many Level 1, level 3 studies, PAP titration studies, MSLT and MWT are done in one year?2019-01-08T07:03:33+00:00

We have conducted approximately 200 level 1 baseline PSG studies for research in sleep physiology and sleep medicine.

What are the contact details of the Sleep centre- address, phone no., email id, website?2019-01-08T07:02:08+00:00

Department of Physiology
King George’s Medical University
Chowk,Lucknow,U.P. 226003
Phone: 05222257542
Mail i/d:

Please share current photo of your Sleep lab and control room.2019-03-15T11:01:19+00:00

Please share photo of your team with intro from left to right.2019-01-08T06:59:21+00:00

Rajat Kashyap, Dr. Jagdish Narayan, Prof. Sunita Tiwari and Dr. Anil Kumar Gangwar.
