Sleep Lab in Chulalongkorn Hospital Bangkok Thailand

When was the sleep lab started?2019-01-12T07:22:01+00:00

The sleep lab at Chulalongkorn hospital was established in 2004.

What is the waiting time in your sleep lab?2019-01-12T07:20:49+00:00

It takes approximately 1-2 months.

Are you doing any home sleep tests? If yes, how many per year?2019-01-12T07:19:35+00:00

No, we do not do home sleep tests since we prefer split night studies.

How many beds does the sleep lab have for level 1 sleep study?2019-01-12T07:17:51+00:00

Sleep lab have 6 beds for level 1 sleep studies.

What type of diagnostic studies are done in the sleep center?2019-01-12T07:16:17+00:00

We do following type of studies Baseline PSG, Split night PSG, CPAP/BPAP/ASV titration, MSLT and MWT

What are the educational/training opportunities available for doctors and technicians at your sleep center, especially for candidates from other countries?2019-01-12T07:12:46+00:00

We have established International Training Program in Sleep Medicine since 2011 and we have trained fellows from other countries. The details can be had at the following link:

How many sleep techs are employed at the sleep center? What are daytime and nighttime duties?2019-01-12T07:06:48+00:00

We have 4 full time sleep techs and 3 part-time techs.

How many level 1, level3 studies, PAP titration studies, MSLT and MWT are done in one year?2019-01-12T07:04:51+00:00

We conducted approximately 1700 level 1 studies per year including baseline study, split night study, and PAP titration. We conducted approximately 24 MSLT and 2-4 MWT per year.

What are the contact details of your sleep center-address, phone number, email and website?2019-01-12T07:25:06+00:00

Excellence Center for Sleep Disorders,
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital 5th Floor,
14-Story Building, 1873 King Rama IV Rd Bangkok,
Thailand 10330
Phone: 66-2-649-4038; 66-2-649-4039
